Biblical Garden Hoofddorp

Behind the Catholic Church of John the Baptist (Joannes de Doper Kerk) in Hoofddorp you will find a beautiful garden with many sculptures, trees and plants from the Bible. Most sculptures have been created by the famous artist Karel Gomes.

The park also contains also the church cemetry and an open-air theater The Labyrint.

Open for public

The garden is open from sunrise til sunset and can be entered from the right side of the church, near the bookshop Het Kruispunt. At the bookshop you can get more detailed information and brochures about the garden.

Most favorite religious spot

The Biblical Garden Hoofddorp was elected “most favorite religious spot” in the province of Noord-Holland.

Guided Tours

For groups a tour can be arranged. For reservations please contact the our parish office by email of telephone +31-023-5638145 (Monday until Friday 09:00am – 12:00pm)


Scan the QR codes near the sculptures and listen to the stories about the people from the Bible. (in Dutch).

All information about the Joannes de Doper Church (John the Baptist) and foreign language masses, click on the logo to go to the English page of the parish in Hoofddorp.